Today we are happy to release a new tool to address non-CI, cross-platform, custom workflow requirements of siren owners. That tool is soscmd-1.0.jar.
As with everything, soscmd is open source. All of the hardest work was performed with a generous contribution from Filip Hanik. We are very grateful to him for his help.
Finally, this tool is also our first step in working toward a truly cross platform CI monitoring solution. More details to come.
To get started
- Download soscmd-1.0.jar.
- Ensure you have Java 8 JRE or later installed
- Enter java -jar soscmd-1.0.jar
usage: soscmd -[i|ra|rl|m|l|a|sa|sl]
-i Retrieve info about device
-ra List audio patterns
-rl List led patterns
-m Manually set LED's
-l Play an LED pattern
-a Play an audio pattern
-sa Stop audio
-sl Stop LED's
At this point you should be able to connect a siren and do
java -jar soscmd-1.0.jar -i
and get something like this:
Firmware Version: 2
Hardware Type: Standard
Hardware Version: 1
Audio Mode: 0
Audio Play Seconds Remaining: 0
Led Mode: 0
Led Play Seconds Remaining: 0
External Memory Size: 0
Now if you want to manually light up some of the light bars you can do
java -jar soscmd-1.0.jar -m 128 0 255 0 0
which will set the 1st led bar to 50%, the 3rd led bar to 100% and the remaining bars to off.
To view the led or light patterns that your device has (which is based on your device's firmware) enter either the -ra or -rl command and you'll get something like this:
java -jar soscmd-1.0.jar -ra
Audio Patterns:
1 - Sad Trombone
2 - Ding!
3 - Plunk
If you want to play one of the audio commands above note the ID# and specify it along with a duration in seconds like this:
java -jar soscmd-1.0.jar -a 1 5
That plays the Sad Trombone for 5 seconds. You can accomplish the same thing with a -l command to play led patterns or you can turn audio or led patterns off with -sa or -sl.
That's it! Hope you enjoy, and if you do something fun with it please let us know.
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