Unfortunately setting up authentication isn't as straightforward as it could be. To set up a private repository:
Configure Server in Sos
- Add Server, Select Travis
- Enter your Owner and Project
- Select a type of Public, Private (Pro), or Enterprise
- If you select Enterprise enter the full url to your domain (e.g. https://travis.example.com/api/)
Generate a Travis API Access Token
- Click "Generate New Auth Token"
- Follow the instructions on the page. Specifically:
- Open GitHub's Application Settings
- Generate New Personal Access Token
- Give it a name and select the following scopes: repo, user:email, write:repo_hook, repo:status, read:org, repo_deployment
- Click Generate Token
- Copy the token's value and paste it into the textbox
- Click "Generate Token" and we will initiate a request to Travis (using the URL you specified on the previous screen) to create a travis API access token.
- Upon success the new travis api access token will be entered into the textbox on the configure server page and you can click "Add" and then "Add" again
Bug Fixes
- Can now open up the Sounds menu from a fresh install
- When a build definition is unavailable, Team City no longer breaks (thanks @monovo for this contribution)
We hope you enjoy the new features. Shoot us a note at support at our domain name if you need help or drop a bug on github if you find any issues.