Wednesday, August 1, 2012

A Year of Shame

A year ago we figured we'd maybe sell a couple of these things.  But since September of 2011 we have averaged a sale of one and a half units per week.  That's 71 units to 61 Locations Worldwide.  We've shipped Siren of Shame units to thirteen countries.  We've had generous open source advocates buy us 44 beers!

Not too bad for a couple of guys working out of a basement in their spare time.  Thank you to everyone who has helped including friends, patient customers, and especially family.

And here's a cool map of locations we've shipped to:

View Siren of Shame Units Worldwide in a full screen map


  1. thanks for all the effort guys, loving siren of shame :)

  2. Any idea when you'll get more sirens in stock? I want two!

  3. So happy your enthusiasm Andy :). The gentleman doing the final assembly underwent surgery which slowed things down. He is doing well now and we are expecting a large batch in late February. We'll keep our Facebook and twitter pages up to date with the status.


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